Buildings usually have a lot of people during the day, so good cleaning and frequent and thorough building maintenance are necessary.
The management of a community involves much more responsibility than you might think, and buildings are no exception, in fact, it entails many challenges and high expectations. To comply with these premises, it takes a great deal of determination to implement the right hygiene and maintenance measures.
What should build cleaning maintenance protocols look like?
Within the professional commercial cleaning service sector there is no such thing as improvisation. Therefore, in buildings a specific protocol must be implemented that is targeted according to some parameters. Example:
– Level of use and type of users: there is a big difference between cleaning a commercial building and a community building. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the hours of less traffic than people and the needs of the place so that the cleaning and maintenance tasks can be carried out in the correct way.
– Building characteristics: building cleaning and maintenance services are adapted to their own characteristics and according to their needs. It will not be the same to perform cleaning protocols in a hospital than in an office building.
Specific protocols for building maintenance
Once all the parameters are clear, it is necessary to implement the jobs that are usually used in the cleaning of buildings, which are mentioned below:
Staircase cleaning
One of the most important tasks in building maintenance is precisely the cleaning of the stairs, which are a very busy place between the street, the portals and the offices. Thus, the transit of people is quite frequent and, therefore, the dirt is greater.
When stairs have access to the street, weather conditions could seriously affect their condition. For this reason, the recommendation is that the cleaning of the stairs is daily, without letting a day go by, since not only can it cause diseases due to dust, but it can also cause accidents due to slipping or tripping.

How do you do the correct cleaning of the stairs?
- Dust removal: using a vacuum cleaner, a broom or a soft brush (depending on the material of the staircase). If the wrong tool is used, it could cause damage to the stairs and make them dangerous for foot traffic. The recommendation is to start cleaning from the top floor and work your way down to save time. Stairs that have carpet will need a vacuum cleaner for a good carpet cleaning.
- Scrubbing of stairs: this task should be done at times when there is no foot traffic. It is necessary to make sure that no one goes up or down at that time, that is why you should look for times when there is no traffic of people, not only to ensure good cleaning, but also to avoid possible accidents. It is important to use specific products according to the material. For example, if the staircase is made of wood, it is necessary to apply a product that provides shine.
- Cleaning the handrail: generally, users use the handrails when going up and down, for this reason, it is necessary to clean it with a disinfectant and microfiber cloth. This to remove all the dirt and the accumulation of germs.
Cleaning the elevators
Elevators are another area that we recommend being cleaned daily, especially because all its basic components. Such as: walls, floor, mirror and buttons, are very exposed to the contact of the people who use them.
To properly clean the most vulnerable parts of the elevator, it is advisable to use the appropriate materials. Such as microfiber cloth, vacuum cleaners, mops, dustpans, brooms and special cleaning products for stainless steel or any other material with which the elevators are made.
The specific order to be followed for the correct cleaning of an elevator is as follows:
– Floors
– Mirrors
– Door and walls
– Buttons and lights
– Rails
– Moat

Yard and Garden Grooming
During the spring and summer, gardens tend to be more used, but it is also true that insects arrive during this period. Therefore, it is essential to perform proper maintenance and pest control, to prevent them from damaging trees and shrubs. Likewise, it is necessary to collect the leaf litter to keep mosquitoes away.
Flowers that have fallen to the ground should also be picked up, because some of them contain pigments that can penetrate the soil leaving stains that are difficult to remove.
It is also important to water lawns and low-growing plants. If you hire a commercial cleaning service company, they will take care of using an automatic watering system to save water and to optimize watering time to spread the water evenly.
When the summer season arrives, it is best to irrigate at dawn and then a second time in the evening. The purpose of this is to avoid evaporation during the hottest hours of the day.
On the other hand, the lawn needs to be maintained every day, making sure that there are no areas with puddles left by watering, nor that it is too dry. To do this, the lawn must be mowed with a lawn mower. Which is complemented with brush cutters to reach corners and hard-to-reach areas.
Also, the paths and all the furniture in the garden, such as tables, chairs, benches, among others, should be cleaned. The paths should be kept clean, dry and free of obstacles. Garbage cans should be emptied to keep insects away and to avoid bad smells.
Facade cleaning
The facades should also be kept clean and impeccable, since it should be remembered that it is the first impression of the people who will enter the building. It is important to remember that environmental factors, the passage of time and human action can deteriorate the fade, which is why it is so important to take proper care of it.
The factors that influence its deterioration are:
– Contamination
– Humidity
– Graffiti
– Smoke
– Passage of time