Reduce absenteeism through a Clean and healthy environment

The importance of a clean and healthy environment goes hand in hand with hygiene policies in a company. There are companies that perceive a high percentage of absenteeism and have not determined the reasons why this occurs. Most of them are unaware that it may be due to a lack of hygiene and order.

Beyond aesthetics, which is also important, employees could be exposed to diseases, infections or allergies due to dirt that may be present in their work environment, forcing them to be absent from work.

Work environment: What impact does it have on productivity?

When we talk about work environment, we are not only referring to physical space. But also to the quality of the air that is breathed, the lighting, temperature and the level of organization and cleanliness that exist in the facilities. The cleanliness of environment.

Companies that comply with all these parameters generate a sense of wellbeing and comfort in their employees, contributing to good concentration and productivity in them by having a clean and healthy environment.

On the contrary, a dirty and untidy office causes stress, discomfort and distractions, thus impairing the performance and performance of employees. That is why nowadays, many companies have decided to hire a commercial cleaning service. Who have the appropriate planning, methods and tools to carry out the cleaning activities.

What are the factors that influence absenteeism?

One of the most common problems that companies have is absenteeism, which could have a negative impact on the company’s productivity if these absences become very recurrent. With a clean and healthy environment, we can avoid it.

The absenteeism of employees in their jobs is due to many factors, such as stress, common illnesses or injuries because of work activities.

Another cause of absenteeism is the lack of hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace, which, although it may seem unimportant, is related to the factors just mentioned. Why is this so? Simply because a place that is not clean and that is always dusty can generate diseases and allergies.

Diseases that can be caused by a dirty work environment - a clean and healthy environment

Diseases that can be caused by a dirty work environment

The lack of a healthy environment at work is a source of spread of infections and viruses, making employees and even customers sick:

  • Flu and colds: these are highly contagious and very easy to spread through contact with contaminated surfaces. In offices where these surfaces are not cleaned regularly, viruses spread among employees causing outbreaks of flu and colds.
  • Gastroenteritis: unhygienic environments in areas such as the kitchen or dining room. Can cause food contamination, thus increasing the risk of gastroenteritis.
  • Respiratory infections: ventilation systems and air conditioners must also undergo cleaning and maintenance. Since they accumulate dust, bacteria, mold spores, etc. All these agents contribute to the development of respiratory infections.
  • Conjunctivitis: this eye infection is highly contagious and can be spread by contact with contaminated surfaces.
  • Dermatitis: this skin condition can develop from contact with dust, dirt and allergens on the surface. Dirty offices can aggravate the symptoms of this and other skin infections in those employees who are more prone to these reactions.
  • Urinary tract infections: these are caused by dirty and poorly maintained restrooms, which are a major breeding ground for bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.
  • Allergies: dust, dust mites and allergens often accumulate in carpets, furniture and curtains, triggering allergies in workers and customers. They may begin to experience sneezing, itchy eyes and nasal congestion, among others.
  • Vector-borne diseases: refers to the presence of pests such as mice, cockroaches and flies. Which may be present in offices that are not cleaned regularly. Pests are carriers of different pathogens that cause diseases and infections.

Lack of hygiene and order in offices

Offices with the presence of bacteria, germs and allergens increase the likelihood that employees will begin to experience illnesses, infections and allergies, forcing them to miss work.

The ailments that can occur range from colds to other more serious diseases. And all this produced by the lack of cleanliness, the first cause of the spread of viruses, thus impacting the productivity of the company.

hiring a cleaning service for companies -

Advantages of hiring a cleaning service for companies

As we have already been saying, cleanliness in companies and offices is essential if you want to achieve business success. But it is also true that it is not enough to hire random people to clean or clean by yourself.

For that reason, the most advisable thing is to look for a professional commercial cleaning service, so that they carry out these tasks of sanitization of every corner of the facilities.

The truth is that office cleaning is not an additional expense, it is rather an important and key investment for the well-being. The health of your employees and the operational efficiency of your company. Hiring commercial cleaning professionals offers the following advantages:

Quality work environment

Clean and organized environments promote a pleasant, comfortable and productive work environment. These factors have a positive impact and make workers see their workplace in a better light.

Likewise, it allows them to perform their work activities more efficiently and establish closer and more pleasant relationships with the rest of their coworkers. In turn, the good treatment of their customers.

Reducing the spread of disease

Businesses or offices are often conducive to the spread of disease due to the proximity of workers to shared surfaces. This is where professional cleaning services play an important role in cleaning and disinfecting all areas. This help to reduce the spread of viruses and infections.

Prevents workplace accidents

Clean and tidy surfaces reduce the likelihood of slips and falls, the main causes of workplace injuries. Office cleaning services take care of cleaning and tidying, removing all obstacles that can cause an accident. Which means more money spent on injury claims.